Halotherapy is a revolutionary fusion of nature and modern technology where specifically designed equipment called Halogenerators, crushes pure salt into microscopic sizes and disperses them into a designated space such as HALOBooth™, HALOBed™ or HALO Cabin™ aka Salt Room.
Halotheraphy helps with respiratory issues and skin conditions, enhances athletic performance, boosts the immune system and improves an overall sense of well-being. Everyone who breathes, young and old, can benefit from a regular Halotherapy.
Halotherapy is an inhalation of dry salt particles that is well recognized as a safe, natural and complementary form of health care throughout Western & Eastern Europe, and is growing significantly in the U.S. in the past few years.
Halotherapy was developed and clinically researched to help with respiratory and skin issues and to increase the overall immunity against viruses and bacteria.
Halotherapy benefits are proven to be accumulative. Many adults and children with asthma, allergies, COPD, cystic fibrosis and other respiratory conditions have found that Halotherapy sessions 3-4 times a week can do wonders.
No Commitment
45 minute session
45 minute session
45 minute session
45 minute sessions
45 minute sessions
45 minute sessions
Contract Membership
Clean lungs, healthy skin and a strong immune system are essential for vitality and longevity!
Water N Salt Share
We wanted to take a moment to let you know that The Halotherapy team at Water & Salt continues to be deeply committed to the health of our clients and staff. We wanted to update you all on our updated procedures & protocols.
Fortunately, salt is already anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal which makes a hostile environment for bacteria and viruses, but we have enhanced our cleaning protocols and safety processes to try and create the safest environment possible. Many of our clients have respiratory and health concerns and routine Halotherapy is essential to keeping them well while others practice prevention, immune strengthening and supporting overall wellness.
We thank everyone in advance for working to keep the Halotherapy room safe and healthy during these challenging times. Our COVID-19 Preparedness Plan follows Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) guidelines, federal OSHA standards related to COVID-19 and Executive Order 20-48.
• Masks will be required for everyone entering The Halotherapy room. You will need to wear your mask until seated and your session begins, and then at the end of your session please put your masks back on till you leave The Salt Room.
• Everyone will be asked to either wash their hands with soap for 20 seconds or disinfect their hands upon entering The Halotherapy Room
Our capacity per room has been reduced to allow for proper social distancing.
Only two individuals from different households will be allowed to enter the Halotherapy room per session.
Households will be able to book the entire Halotherapy room (up to 5 people) This will impact our previous room schedules and usage of the Halotherapy room to try and accommodate all clients safely with reduced capacity.
• Clients will be asked to bring their own clean blankets or throws if they wish to do so. • Our check-in area, common areas, and equipment are being wiped down and sanitized numerous times throughout the day.
• The Halotherapy room will be wiped down, sanitized, and vented after every session. Each of our Salt Rooms is equipped with a UVC light that will be used between sessions. • Each of our staff members have been informed of and encouraged to self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or suspected exposure prior to work and report anything prior to coming to The Salt Room