Is Tap Water Safe To Drink?
If you and your family drink tap water often, then this article is going to be an eye-opener. You might catch yourself asking a sudden question: “Is tap water safe to drink?” Are you aware of all the potential dangers you expose yourself to when drinking municipal tap water?
Here’s 10 reasons why you should NEVER drink tap water again:
1. Roughly 10% of all the water we drink has been used before; there’s no such thing as NEW tap water!
2. Municipal water plants use chlorine to disinfect water during the treatment process. And when it eventually gets to your home, it still contains high levels of chlorine and chlorine byproducts (THMs). In fact, EPA guidelines allow up to 4 parts per million (ppm) of chlorine to be used in the disinfection of public water supplies; a standard pool kit states that using more than 3ppm of chlorine is not even safe to swim in!
3. “Cancer risk among people that drink tap water with chlorine is as much as 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine” – U.S. Council of Environmental Quality
4. It’s been determined by the Ralph Nader Research Group that U.S. drinking water contains more than 2,100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer. Water utilities only test for about 75 of them.
5. Over 90% of all U.S. water systems contain traces of at least 10 synthetic chemicals and lead.
6. “Lead is the #1 environmental health threat to our children.” – U.S. EPA
7. The EPA estimates that over 98% of all homes have fixtures, pipes, or solder joints in household plumbing that can leave trace amounts of lead in tap water. Even low levels of lead can cause reduced IQ levels, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems such as hypertension and attention span disorders in children.
8. When you drink tap water, without using an effective and reliable filtration system, you’re forcing your kidneys and liver to filter out all the iron, chlorine, synthetic chemicals, and other contaminants.
9. Researchers from the U.S. EPA and the National Geological Survey have found antibiotics, birth control drugs, anti-depressants, and even caffeine in many water samples from across the country.
10. Seeing that only about 1% of the water supplied to our homes is used for consumption, it’s not even logical for municipal plants to completely filter all the water that goes through it.
We hope this article helped you decide if tap water is safe to drink.